Curriculum Vitae
Helmut Schweiger

I started my self-employment on September 1, 2000
March 10, 1967
What I do
Freelance Clinical Research Associate and
Clinical Trial Management
Where I am
Helmut Schweiger - CRP
Hedwig-Dietl-Str. 22
94315 Straubing
how i speak
german: native speaker
english: fluent
what i use
02/2010 until today
CRP Straubing, Germany
CRP Straubing, Germany
staticon international gmbh, Munich, Germany
FRINO COMP Arzneimittel GmbH, Geretsried, Germany
Büro für Dienstleistungen, Osterhofen, Germany

Membership of Professional Organizations
Institut für Klinisch Kardiovaskuläre Forschung IKKF München
(institution specialized on cardiovascular clinical research)
Research Quality Association
(an association for individuals concerned with the quality of research in pharmaceutical, agrochemical and chemical industry sectors)
Driving Insight to Action
(an organization bringing health care product professionals together)
German Quality Management Organization
(German biggest and EU second biggest organization for quality management)
Education/ Principal Qualifications
Additional Educations
Medical Certificates
Basics of biometry
Basics of hygiene and infectious diseases
Basic Medicine Cardiology
Basic Medicine Gastroenterology
Basic Medicine Neurology
Basic Medicine Oncology
Summary of Clinical Project Experience
A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Randomized, Single Ascending Dose Study of Subcutaneously Administered IP in Overweight, Otherwise Healthy Subjects
No. of Countries: 1
Country Code: DE
No. of Sites: 1
No. of patiens: 62
Phase: I
A Randomized, Open-Label, Multicenter, Controlled, Pivotal Study to Assess Safety and Efficacy of ELAD® in Subjects with Alcohol-Induced Liver Decompensation
No. of Countries:
Country Code: US/A/UK/DE/ES
No. of Sites: 40
No. of patiens: 3
Phase: II
The Efficacy and Safety of Eflornithine with Lomustine Compared to Lomustine Alone in Patients with Anaplastic Astrocytoma
No. of Countries:
Country Code: US/EU
No. of Sites: 80
No. of patiens: 10
Phase: III
The Efficacy and Safety of Eflornithine with Lomustine Compared to Lomustine Alone in Patients with Anaplastic Astrocytoma
No. of Countries:
Country Code: US/EU
No. of Sites: 12
No. of patiens: 12
Phase: III
The Efficacy and Safety of Bimatoprost SR in Patients with Open-angle Glaucoma or Ocular Hypertension
No. of Countries:
Country Code: EU/US/ASIA /LATAM
No. of Sites: 271
No. of patiens: 15
Phase: III
Treatment of moderate to severe allergic Rhinitis/Rhino conjunctivitis due to birch pollen
No. of Countries: 7
Country Code: SK/PL/DE/S/DEN/LIT/N
No. of Sites: 45
No. of patiens: 100
Phase: II
Testing the Effect of Intra-Uterine Slow- Release Insemination (SRI) on the Pregnancy Rate in Women Designated for Standard Intra-Uterine Insemination (IUI)
No. of Countries: 3
Country Code: DE/A/UK
No. of Sites: 5
No. of patiens: 72
Phase: III
Treatment of birch pollen included rhinitis/ rhino conjunctivitis
No. of Countries: 6
Country Code: DE
No. of Sites: 5
No. of patiens: 120
Phase: III
Patients with stable chronic moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis
No. of Countries: 1
Country Code: DE
No. of Sites: 2
No. of patiens: 40
Phase: VIIa
Anaplastic Astrocytoma (III) Secondary Glioblastoma (IV)
No. of Countries: 8
Country Code: AT/PL/RU/MX/IN/CA/IL
No. of Sites: 13
No. of patiens: 19
Phase: III
Medical Device
Left ventricular augmentation in patients with DCM
No. of Countries: 1
Country Code: DE
No. of Sites: 5
No. of patiens: 5
Phase: III
Medical Device
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Stent-Graft System
No. of Countries: 2
Country Code: DE/CH
No. of Sites: 2
No. of patiens: 10
Phase: II (FIM)
Medical Device
Pefakit® PiCT® UC (UFH)
No. of Countries: 2
Country Code: DE/CH
No. of Sites: 2
No. of patiens: 64
Phase: III
Skin Infection
abSSSI disease
No. of Countries: 7
Country Code: UA/RU/RO/H/GE/LV/SRB
No. of Sites: 20
No. of patiens: 200
Phase: III
STEC-HUS (Epidemic Trial)
No. of Countries: 1
Country Code: DE
No. of Sites: 31
No. of patiens: 290
Phase: II - III
Essential Thrombocythaemia in children
No. of Countries: 3
Country Code: DE/CH
No. of Sites: 60
No. of patiens: 35
Phase: IV
Essential Thrombocythaemia in adults
No. of Countries: 16
Country Code: DE
No. of Sites: 3500
No. of patiens: 160
Phase: IV
Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML)
No. of Countries: 7 + 7
Country Code: EU + DE/F/I/NL/PL/SP/UK
No. of Sites: 320
No. of patiens: 75
Phase: II
Metabolic Disease
Diabetes Mellitus
No. of Countries: 1
Country Code: DE
No. of Sites: 10
No. of patiens: 65
Phase: III
Growth Hormone in Dialysis
No. of Countries: 1
Country Code: DE
No. of Sites: 20
No. of patiens: 0
Phase: III
Varicella-Zoster Virus
No. of Countries: 1
Country Code: DE
No. of Sites: 3
No. of patiens: 350
Phase: III
Myocardinal Infraction
No. of Countries: 1
Country Code: DE
No. of Sites: 3
No. of patiens: 100
Phase: III
Overactive Bladder
No. of Countries: 2
Country Code: DE/AT
No. of Sites: 6
No. of patiens: 15
Phase: III
Metabolic Disease
Medical Device (Insulin Pump)
No. of Countries: 1
Country Code: DE
No. of Sites: 1
No. of patiens: 8
Phase: I
Driving Performance
No. of Countries: 1
Country Code: DE
No. of Sites: 1
No. of patiens: 30
Phase: I
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
No. of Countries: 1
Country Code: DE
No. of Sites: 1
No. of patiens: 32
Phase: I
No. of Countries: 1
Country Code: DE
No. of Sites: 4
No. of patiens: 16
Phase: IIA
Metabolic Disease
Diabetes Mellitus
No. of Countries: 3
Country Code: DE
No. of Sites: 9
No. of patiens: 61
Phase: III
Chronic Lymphotic
No. of Countries: 117
Country Code: DE
No. of Sites: 9
No. of patiens: 32
Phase: II
No. of Countries: 3
Country Code: DE
No. of Sites: 3
No. of patiens: 16
Phase: III
Osteo- and rheumatoid Arthritis
No. of Countries: 40
Country Code: DE
No. of Sites: 12
No. of patiens: 200
Phase: III
No. of Countries: 1
Country Code: DE
No. of Sites: 8
No. of patiens: 40
Phase: IIIb